Hi There! Welcome to ABSTRACT ♥ BOOKS!

You can follow me on the following social platforms. Don't hesitate to message me if you ever want to chat about a book or any other way I can help you out! I am most active on my Instagram and Facebook .
I started this blog on 20th April 2020. Even though I have been reading book for nearly 4-5 years , blogging had never been on my agenda. Simply because I didn't know what it was. The moment I got to know about this amazing way to read so many books , I jumped straight into it! In just half a year , I have had the pleasure of meeting so many readers and amazing authors who share my love of reading.
My Ideal books would be a book that has so much Pain in it that it makes you feel every emotion. Books with Intense emotions are the best! However , I absolutely Hate Sad endings and I stay away from those books. The same goes for Cliffhangers. I rarely read cliffhangers , and the only books I actively engage in are the one that already have their sequel out , or it is about to be released soon. Happy endings make me very satisfied , because I know that no matter how dark the book gets , somehow there will be an HEA. It gives me a sense of security.
I am all against spoilers , and never like knowing what happens in books before hand. Going blind into books , seems to be my specialty! Books that have the best Plot Twists are at the top for me always 😌
❥ You can reach me using the Contact Me Page Form .