Now to proceed, choose one or more of the platforms before to make your own blog!
This section is for all the Bloggers who want to start their own Blog on Instagram. There are various ways in which you can Start this blog. You can choose one of the approaches below:
Choose a Theme Template for your Blog - This is a rather tough choice and I would only recommend this one if you are consistent with your blog as it consumes a lot of time. A theme template is something that makes your blog Look beautiful and very organized. For a Better Understanding of what I am talking about , you can visit this link HERE. Some examples are below :


Post the Images with Captions , The PR company Provides you - This is the most easiest approach (I follow this one only lol) and it takes very very less time. When you sign up through a PR company to promote a Book (they usually make you fill a google form for every particular book) , they email you the Images and Captions that you need to post on a particular day. You can simply make use of those and copy paste the captions from the Email/Doc they provide you guys. This approach makes your Blog look not organized at all but it's still sort of useful since those captions contains all the info needed by a reader to buy that particular book.
Additional Tips and Tricks to grow your Instagram Blog!
Story templates - You can create Various Instagram Story Templates to upload once In a while. Some examples are shown below :
Book Lists - Make a collage of your Favorite reads or A Book List for any topic and Upload them Once in a while. Those gather a lot of attention. Like this one:
Monthly Reads - Once a month ends , you can make a post In which you upload a Monthly Reads Collage to tell your followers about the books that you read in the past month and the books that you liked out of them!
Tagged Posts - There are various creative posts that you can make , Like I make one for "Wild Quotes Wednesday" in which I post My favorite quotes on ever Wednesday!
Be Regular - People follow your Blog to get latest updates , not the ones that were out years ago , so please post regularly!
Tips to make your posts reach more audience.
Use Hashtags , trust me they help a lot!
Use correct Information that can be used by your followers to get the book
Always Give Credits to the rightful owner of the image if it's not yours
Tag The author or the PR agency through which you got the image
Ahh , so now we are in my Domain! If you want to start a website Blog , then I have a lot of tips and tricks for you , Just follow my lead!
When you are starting your own Website Blog , The first thing you need to do is to choose a platform. There are various blogging platforms available and the Top Ones being used in today's world are BLOGSPOT and WORDPRESS. If You want to manually design your website , then you can also do that by using platforms like WIX or WEBFLOW.
You can either use the domain provided by the blogging site , or you can buy one of your own!
Make the perfect Menu for your website - You can either code a menu manually or use the one provided in your blogging site. A menu is the backbone of your website. Everyone is going to use that to navigate through your website and no one of going to search each and everything in the search bar , so make sure to make your menu very thoroughly with a lot of sub categories to help out your Readers!
Important Pages To be Added - There are a few compulsory pages that you need to add in your website , they are the ones that will help your reader know a lot about you. You can add an ABOUT ME page , a CONTACT ME page and also a POLICY page.
Tips on how to Create the Perfect Post:
Create you own Posts - If you are creating your own posts manually , then Make sure you include all the correct stuff in it. Like all the Buy Links are correct and none of the pictures are not Credited.
Using the HTML Provided By the PR company - In this case you just have to copy paste the HTML in the "Html design" section of your blog. I can only tell you that about blogger since that is the one that I use. You can always use the internet for more advances researching on this. The posts in the HTML the companies provide are Aligned correctly in most cases. If they are not then make sure to align them correctly before pressing publish.
Posts on Various Topics - There are various topics that you can cover when creating a post! You can always post the promotional posts like the Release Blitz or the cover reveal , but you can also use your creativity to make more amazing posts like Monthly Reads , Top books of the Year , Book Lists and Recommendations!
Start By reviewing the Latest books that you have read and you are good to go! Remember as I said above , be consistent because that is the best way to make your website more popular!
Starting a Facebook Page is a rather Easy Job. Sine Facebook does not operate like Instagram , there is no point in choosing a template for this social domain. You can start your Facebook Blog by using these steps:
If you are following my Steps from above , then you should already have your Blog name and a logo. If you still haven't decided these , then please do so asap!
Make a cover and a Square logo (for the profile pic) of your blog. Search the Dimensions needed to fit in and use various Designing apps like Canva , Picsart, etc.to make them. Like this one :
You can either use the Pics and Captions provided by the PR agency to make your Posts or you can design them manually.
Start By inviting your friends to Like your page and Be consistent in posting and you are good to go!
Hey There! So here are a few tips for the people who have recently Started Blogging :
Reviews - There are a lot of problems that a person faces while writing reviews. The one thing that you need to remember is that , YOU DON'T OWN ANYONE ANYTHING. Most of the bloggers are not getting paid to review books , so please remember that you are here to give honest reviews. You are here to please the Buyers of those Books and No one will read your review where you are Buttering up the author. They need True reviews which will tell them all the best and worst things of the book they are about to buy. So make sure to write whatever the book makes you feel whether it is good or bad. Be straightforward , that is the only advice I can give you. There are lot of Platforms where authors are in need of reviews , the top ones of them being Amazon and Goodreads , so make sure you have a profile there!
You are Reading for Yourself and not for Anyone else. It is good to try new genres of books to read but please don't let blogging change your whole way of reading. Remember you are reading for yourself and not for anyone else , so read what you want to read. There is no harm in telling NO to an author when they offer you a book.
Have A Schedule - I don't know why I am even writing this here since I don't have a schedule myself , But I can tell you how much of a mess that is sometimes! You can use Google Calendar or some other Inbuilt app to Keep Track of the Books that you are reading and your reviewing deadlines. Trust me , This will help you a lot
There are Various Ways to request an ARC (Advance Review copy) from an author. I have listed them all below :
Using PR companies - PR companies are hired by authors to promote and Give out ARCs for their upcoming releases. There are a lot of PR companies that you guys can check out , but some of my favorite ones and the ones that I use are TalkNerdy2me , Social Butterfly , Wildfire Marketing Agency , Candi Kane , Valentine PR , The Next Step PR , Enticing Journey Book Promotions , Grey's Promotions and Give Me Books PR. You can either fill out the OPEN EVENTS forms on their Official Websites for the books that you want to read , or you can try emailing them directly with all your social links included.
Using Netgalley for ARCs - Netgalley is a platform that publishers use to give out ARCs . Make a profile there and you can use it to request ARCs of the books avaliable. If your request is approved then you will get an email with the download Link. The More ARCs you read and review , the more of them you will be able to get approved for!
Using BookSprout for ARCs - Booksprout operates similarly as Netgalley and The same steps as above need to be followed!
Contacting The Publisher Directly - I have never done this one before , I am more of the PR company type . The only thing I can tell you here , is that you can email the publisher of that book directly to get ARCs. Make sure to include all your social media handles as well as your profile links for the websites you are going to review the book on!
Note - In this Article I have focused mostly on the Part of how to make a book blog and how to make it even more popular. The Budget part and the Part where you need advice on how to choose the right platform to launch your website and how to buy the right Domain are not here. Which Is why I am including some Links through which you guys can get advice on that too :
That's it , THANK YOU SO MUCH for allowing me to guide you to this amazing journey!! Don't hesitate to contact me for more! Want to SAVE THIS POST? PIN it using the Image below!

I have been running ABSTRACT BOOKS since March 2020 and there are a lot of new things that I have learned , things that I want you all to know in order to start an amazing book blog. Also , I only Read romance books , so all my tips below and the resources that I am going to provide might be somewhat related to that, so please keep that in mind.
A lot of people have asked me about what is Blogging and what was the right place to start with this stuff , so I thought I might as well make a page for you all and the others who might need help! I am not going to tell any hidden ultra amazing hacks here , so all the people who are already bloggers might as well look the other way because this is only for the newbies in this industry. I am going to cover the basics on how to start your own Book Blog and what are the right resources you need for that. If there is any other thing you guys need my help with then don't hesitate to contact me using this page HERE. So , let's begin shall we?
There are a lot of social platforms where you can form your blog. It might be your own Instagram account (called Bookstagram in book blogger's language) , your website or a Facebook Page. According to me the best place for you to start your blog might be Instagram. A website might be too much for some new people and On the basis of popularity level I have seen that In today's world , authors prefer more Instagram Bloggers than the Facebook Page ones. There are a few terms that you need to know before starting your own BOOK BLOG.
ARC (Advance Review Copy) - A complimentary copy of the book that is provided by the author to you , before it's release so that You can Read and leave an Honest Review.
PR Company - The Companies that are hired by authors for successful release of their books and other events regarding the said book (cover reveals , release day etc.). Authors Hire these PR companies and these companies then find bloggers to help spread word about a new book! They provide us with various Social Media posts Like Instagram (square) images , FB Images and even HTML to copy paste on your website. They even provide us with the Captions for these posts. These companies are the ones who also provide ARCs to bloggers for reviewing purposes. I will mention a few of my Top PR companies at the end of this page to help you guys out!
There are a few things that you need to do before you publish your Blog online.
Decide a catchy name for your Blog! You can either create one yourself or you can use various name generators online like name-generator , BussinessNameGenerator , etc. Also , Once you have chosen your name , try googling it to see how many Blogs exist with the same name. It would be a headache if you choose a very common name since people would confuse it with other same blogs.
Make a new logo for your Blog. You can use various Apps for this like Canva , Picsart, etc. Like for eg :