Hi There! I would love to get in touch with you. You can use the contact form give below (only for Messages and Not for review requests , I have a separate form for that) .
For Authors (Review / Promotional Requests)
Thank you so much for choosing me to review your book. I sign up for a lot of ARCs and am usually full when it comes to my ARC schedule , so there are very less chances that I will respond or accept to your request. You are of course welcome to ask but I am so sorry if I am not able to accept.
Make sure you read and accept all terms of my policy before approaching me with your book. You will find every info about terms and Conditions on Review/Promotional Requests HERE.
For My Bookish Friends!
Hey there! You people are my favorite , seriously. I have always wanted to talk to people who read books like me and have the same love for Dark Romance too! If you want a Book list made for any genre of your Choice , then visit this PAGE and fill the form there after reading the Terms and Conditions. If there is anything else you want to say to me or want my help in , then Please use the form below! I can also be found on Instagram (I am pretty Active there) and Facebook. You can use anyway to contact me , don't hesitate to reach me out , I promise I will definitely reply back!