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Author Interview - Veronica Eden

Writer: Abstract BooksAbstract Books

Veronica Eden is an international bestselling author of dark new adult romances + reverse harem romances with spitfire heroines and irresistible heroes.

Her latest Book 'Ruthless Bishop' was released on 31st August 2020.

Interview Q/A

1. Hi Veronica !! Let us start by giving us a glimpse about your real life , including one fun fact about you , please.I live with my husband, our dog, and two crazy cats in Jacksonville, FL and my house is full to the brim of plants, both inside and outside haha! I love going to the beach, the ocean is really inspiring for me and I love the salty air. For the last ten years my husband and I have run a wedding photography business together that I started right out of college, but I have always loved writing and now I get to do it full time. Fun fact: I know how to spin yarn on a spinning wheel I'm a connoisseur of hobbies. 2. Do people in your real life know you’re an author ? If yes , do they read your books?Yes, they know I'm an author, but I didn't tell my family until about a year into publishing. Only my husband and two best friends knew from the get-go. Only my husband is allowed to read my books though haha, I won't let my family read them! I'd never be able to look my step-dad or grandmother in the eye knowing they've read some of the steamy scenes I've written haha! But they're all very supportive and proud of me! 3. What was your most memorable moment as an Author , So far?Connecting with readers! Every day they surprise me with their creativity through fanart/book edits, messages about how they've been touched by my characters, or the general excitement and support from the reading community! It fills my heart with so much joy to get to do something I love and share it with people who are as invested in my characters as I am! It's so rewarding!

4. I know this won’t be fair to ask , but is there any specific character that you have written which is your absolute favourite?Hahaha this is always such a hard question because I love all of my characters so much! Writing Thea for Ruthless Bishop was an absolute dream, I love her so much as a character who is both soft and kind, but also strong as hell. I love getting to delve into different character dynamics so creating these different characters brings me so much happiness. 5. I absolutely Love your ‘Sinners and Saints’ series! Is there anything specific that gave you the idea about this series?Thank you! The series is inspired by the things I love most about some of my favorite shows, like Gossip Girl and Veronica Mars. The characters sort of showed up on their own after I had the idea to write some dark bully romance, but each couple has surprised me so much. All I knew was that I wanted to write something with a lot of mesmerizing drama, but the characters really take over when I dig into their stories. 6. Have you ever thought of doing books from some other new genre? Like MM perhaps?Yes! I actually write under two pen names and all of my LGBT romance can be found under Mara Townsend. My 2019 debut novel and several other titles are all MM romance. I also have other fun projects in the works that branch out, including some romcom goodness, more new adult, and several reverse harem projects both contemporary and paranormal. I pretty much always have projects and ideas going haha. 7. Do you stick to a writing schedule or write whenever inspiration strikes?I work best when I treat writing like my job and create good habits for myself, so when I'm drafting a book I will set a writing schedule and aim for a daily word count goal through writing sprints, but I'll also write when inspiration strikes, too! My typical writing day looks like 2500-3500 words as a minimum goal and I'm an early riser so I tend to write from around 7am until I meet my goal for the day. Sometimes that's within a few hours, sometimes it's all day. As long as I get some new words every day, then I'm happy! For me, there's always a murky bit at the beginning of every book, even if I have a vivid idea of what the opening scene will be, the character voices tend to not settle until a few chapters in and it's always different with every book how long that murky period will last before I hit my "on" switch. 8. Which of your books was the hardest to write? Currently, Ruthless Bishop. Before it was Tempting Devil because the characters were both very different from me, but in this case Thea is a character extremely similar to me and a lot of my personal experiences inspired her story. So this one was a bit of a therapy book to work on haha! 9. Do you have time to read for pleasure ? What is your favourite genre?Yes! And this is something so important to me because reading for enjoyment is part of keeping my creative well full so I can stay inspired and avoid burnout/writer's block. There are points of my writing process where I tend to be too tapped out to read, so I'll watch art videos on YouTube, but generally I spend every afternoon/evening reading. I read all romance genres, fantasy, YA, and poetry. 10. Which one do you decide first when you start writing a new book , the characters or the storyline?It's been both for me! Sometimes the characters come first, and sometimes the story idea or trope comes first. 11. Do you have any writing Hard limits?I don't think so, or if I do I haven't come up against them yet. More like I have genres or tropes that I'm less drawn to than others. 12. What do you have in line next?Next up is the last book in the Sinners and Saints series, Savage Wilder. My hope is to release it late 2020/early 2021. I also have the secret project lined up for 2021 and if you've read Ruthless Bishop you've maybe met some secret characters already. Other than those two, I have a few other things I'm working on for the rest of the year and into next year! 13. Before wrapping up , let's do a quick random question round:· Ever googled yourself? Haha, yes, but it was actually to get to my own links faster · Scariest thing you've ever done? A few years ago I rappelled down into a cenote cave I was visiting in Mexico and the first drop was so scary! · what would you do if you only had 24 hours to live? Spend time with family · One talent you would love to have? Drawing, but I know this comes with practice! · Worst dish you ever ate? Coleslaw, not a fan lol · Facebook or Instagram? Instagram alllll day haha · Top item on your Bucket List? World travel check list

About the Author

Veronica Eden is the author of dark new adult romances + reverse harem romances with spitfire heroines and irresistible heroes. She loves exploring complicated feelings, magical worlds, epic adventures, and the bond of characters that embrace us against the world. She has always been drawn to gruff antiheroes, clever villains, and the twisty-turns of morally gray decisions. She believes sometimes the villain should get the girl and is a sucker for a deliciously devilish antihero. Veronica Eden is the pen name of romance author Mara Townsend. When not writing, she can be found soaking up sunshine at the beach, snuggling in a pile with her untamed pack of animals (her husband, dog and cat), and surrounding herself with as many plants as she can get her hands on.

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