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New Release - Dr. Off Limits


DR. OFF LIMITS by Louise Bay is LIVE!

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Dr. Off Limits? I have a fever and I think you might be the medicine I need.

I’ve sworn off men to focus on my dream job that starts on Monday. But my best friend talks me into a final night of fun—a blind date.

I only agree because the guy is going to work as a doctor in Africa.

It’s the best date of my life. Dr. Africa makes me laugh and swoon and I want to give him a thorough physical examination. He turns into Dr. One Night Stand, and I’m not sad about it.

Monday morning, I’m enthusiastic and excited, until I bump into . . . you guessed it.

Apparently Dr. Africa got his brother to fill in on our date, and now I work at the same hospital as the guy I got naked with on Saturday.

Did I mention he’s my new boss?

I need to go right to the Emergency Room and find a cure for my crush on Dr. Off Limits.

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