Title - All In
Author - Ashley Jade
Name of Series - Complicated Parts #3
Series Type - Trilogy
Genre - Angsty Contemporary Romance
Release Date - 5th Aug 2021
Overall Rating - ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Heat Rating - 🔥🔥🔥🔥
You're my exception. You were my anomaly. Until you broke me like a promise and shattered me with your lies. I told you I’ve destroyed everything that's ever been mine. You hurt me. I know. I should have told you the truth. I should have walked away. Tell me how to fix this. You can't. Broken things never work as good as they used to, remember? Wanna bet? You're not funny, Holden. I'm not joking, Bishop. I'm raising the stakes this round. This time...I'm going all in. You already lost me. I’ll win you back. Because it’s me and you, angry girl. Until the end.
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Review :
OMG!! The finale is finally here. I and I am sure many others have been waiting for this book for many many years. The whole series is crazy good and my heart broke when I got to know that this series has been delayed a couple of years ago. And then it felt so good that Ashley was going to give Preston and Kit the ending they had always deserved.
This book was the perfect ending to these two and I am so sad to see them go. They are perfect in every way and the steam in this series is at the level of hotness only Ashley can achieve. Preston and Kit have a story that will make you feel all the emotions possible and hit you in the hardest way.
This trilogy is one of my favorite reads ever! I am so going to shout at you all to read this trilogy. It’s now complete and everything my angst loving heart desires.