Title - Eternal Reign
Author - Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti
Name of Series - Age of Vampires #1
Series Type - Series
Genre - Dark Fantasy Romance
Release Date - 22nd March 2019
Overall Rating - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Heat Rating - 🔥🔥🔥🔥
In the year 2133, vampires rule America.
Within the Realms, human life is defined by blood.
But there is a way out: The Testing.
No one knows what happens to those who pass. But rumours of the powerful vampire family who want them spark fear in the chosen few.
When sisters Callie and Montana pass the test, they rebel against their fate and plan to do what no human has ever done.
Escape their Realm.
But the vampires have eyes everywhere and the girls are soon torn apart, sending them spiralling down two dangerous paths.
One to the vampires.
The other to the slayers.
With Callie in the hands of a fierce warrior and Montana trapped in a terrifying ritual run by the royal vampires, can they find their way back to each other before it's too late?
Or will their fates be decided by the deadly men who shadow them..?
Eternal Reign is an upper YA dystopian paranormal romance with strong female leads and alpha males. If you loved The Selection Series, the Twilight Saga and A Shade of Vampire, you'll fall for this brand new series!
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My Review 💋
Star Rating : 4 / 5 Stars
Pace of the story : Moderate
Angst Rating : 5/10
Heat Rating : 5/10
Overall Opinion :
I have already read this series a few years ago but when I got to know that the sisters are revamping it with new scenes and more angst , nothing could have stopped me from reading it again! I jumped into this one as soon as I had it and read it in a single go. I have been obsessed since then.
That cliffhanger was brutal and now I am very eagerly waiting for the second part. The authors were not kidding when they said they added a lot of darkness and grit to this series.
The characters are amazing and so is the storyline , I can assure you to give this one a go if you're a fan of dark fantasy romance. You won't be disappointed.