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Review - Whispered Prayers of a Girl

Title - Whispered Prayers of a Girl
Author - Alex Grayson
Name of Series - standalone
Series Type - standalone
Genre - contemporary Romance
Release Date - 10th July 2017
Overall Rating - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Heat Rating - 🔥🔥🔥🔥

A tortured soul meets a damaged family…

A lonely man, a widowed woman, a carefree boy, and a broken girl… Can the four come together and help heal each other? Or will fear of the unknown and guilt about the past keep them apart?

Her whispered prayers break her...

At night, as she’s drifting off to sleep, I press my ear to the door and listen to her heart-wrenching pleas. Her words are agony to my healing heart, but I cherish the sound of them, for that’s the only time I ever hear my beautiful daughter speak. Since her father died two years ago, she’s grown quiet and withdrawn. Cat’s Valley was to be our new beginning, a place where my family and I can heal, but what we find there is so much more.

Scars mar his body. Pain has left him in pieces…

Four years ago, I lost the two things I cherished most in the world. They were ripped from my arms in the most painful and cruel way. Since then, I’ve kept to myself, preferring to stay away from the pitying looks and murmured rumors. Everything changed when she and her children barged into my life. It was an accident, and I don’t deserve them, but now that they’re here, I’m not sure I can let them go.

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My Review 💋

Star Rating : 5/5 Stars

POV : Dual

Cliffhanger : None

Hero : Alexander

Heroine : Gwen

Pace of the story : Slow Burn

Angst Rating : 7/10

Heat Rating : 3/10

Triggers Involved : Past Trauma , Death of an infant , miscarriage

Plot Summary :

Life has never been easy for Alexander. Losing his wife and smal girl in an accident that left him with scars all over his body, absolutely broke him. It wasn't the outer pain that affected him but the pain of losing his family. But that is the thing about life. We don't know when it will take a turn and you might get a chance again. A chance encounter with a single mother of two kids changes his life.

Gwen recently lost her husband but the pain never went away. Her kids, Daniel and Kelsey have their own share of pain to deal with. Her younger son, Daniel was a ray of sunshine. He was small when her husband dies so his death did not affect Daniel a lot but it was Kelsey who was the most affected. She stopped speaking when her father died and Gwen has been dying to hear her little girl's voice again. But she can't. Not until Kelsey let's her.

A storm and car stuck in it forces Kelsey and her kids to spend a whole week with Alexander. The man who is closed off to everyone and comes off as broody most of the time, was the one person that saved them. The whole week bought them all closer and their pain. Alexander loved the kids so much and he can't deny the feeling he has for Gwen. But he can't go through the pain of losing his loved ones again. The agony would kill him. They should be away from him. Far away. They deserved so much better than his broken self.

Overall Opinion :

Dear god , this book absolutely gutted me. The author mentioned that you might need a box of tissues nearby and omg, she was not kidding. The angst and the slow burn romance was just so good in this one.

I am a huge fan of dark romance but once in a while I have a craving for something sweet and angsty and this book was that and so much more. It is a slow burn romance with all the swoony moments. I would definitely recommend it to all the contemporary romance lovers out there. But please keep in mind that this book contains triggers that are references to the characters past memories.

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