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REVIEW - Zodiac Academy (As Told by the Boys)

Updated: Apr 30, 2023

Title - Zodiac Academy (As Told By The Boys)
Author - Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti
Name of Series - Zodiac Academy #1.5
Series Type - Series
Genre - Dark Fantasy Bully Romance
Release Date - 30th Aug 2021
Overall Rating - ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Heat Rating - 🔥🔥🔥🔥

**This is a retelling of book 1 of Zodiac Academy from the perspective of Orion, Darius, Caleb, Seth and Max**

The Vega twins are alive.

Those five words circle in my mind like an oncoming storm. They change everything about the future we thought had been set in stone. They challenge everything we were raised to be and the stability of the entire kingdom.

They’re coming to our academy looking for the life that was stolen from them, but we can’t let them take it back.

So much hangs in the balance and we can’t risk the arrival of two naïve princesses destroying everything we worked so hard for.

I have trained in dark magic, overcome all challenges and stood in the shadow of Lionel Acrux for far too long already. I won’t let them come between me and his downfall.

Which means they have to go before they discover how powerful they truly are.

This is a retelling of the first book in the Zodiac Academy series from the point of view of Orion and the Heirs and should be read after you have finished the original story. It includes scenes from alternative points of view as well over 50k words of additional content and scenes which have never before been revealed. So prepare to step into the dark minds of the Zodiac boys and watch out for the heartbreak and carnage that will ensue.

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My Review 💋

Review :

This book was the exact thing This series was missing!! I always wanted to know the events of Book 1 from the boys pov and I thought that it would give me some peace but omg all they managed was to break me even more because I love them so much More now 🥺🤧.

Caroline and Susanne have done an amazing job of making us see the events of the book 1 through the eyes of all the boys of the series, not just Darius and Orion but all the other heirs too. They all needed to say their part and I somehow do understand where they were coming from when they did all those horrendous stuff. Needless to say that this book has not at all satiated my thirst for more of this series!! I thought this book will make it easier for me to wait for the next books in the series but now I want them even more bad 😭😭😭.

This book is full of spoilers so please read this one definitely after reading a couple of books of the series. Highly recommending this book to all the ZA fans! This book is what you have been missing, make sure you read it ASAP. As I have been screaming, this series is the best dark high school bully fantasy romance ever. I have never been more obsessed with a series and please read this one!!!! There is no way ANYONE can miss this book, it's that perfect!

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